As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Favourite Videoclip: Hasbi Rabbi jallallah (My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah) by Sami Yusuf: Motivational and Inspirational Song about Surrendering to One and Only God, Lord of the Universe

That day I was sitting by the window looking out unto the street.
I absolutely love to observe life around me especially when I get to observe from a place no one else can see me. You know, one-way-mirror kind of thing!
A Chinese Proverb once said,
“The best cure for drunkenness is whilst sober, to observe a drunken person”
After reading this proverb the first time, I could not help but asked myself- could my love of observation of life around me truly is my way to cure my own 'drunkness' in my own life?
Allahu 'alaam...
Anyway, from where I was, I saw the trees that has leaves of various shades of green, I heard the chirping of the birds, I saw squirrels jumping from a branch to another, I felt the soft gentle breeze kissing my face, I inhaled the fresh cool air, I saw little kids happily hopping around, I saw mummies lovingly pushing the strollers of their babies, I saw teenagers giggling happily with friends, I saw an elderly couple walking holding hands, I heard people talking in languages I dont understand, I saw a man beeping his car and I saw another man just got out of his cab, I saw a car patrol passed by, I saw a student carrying his books, I saw a lady with high heels walking really fast, I saw a few fully loaded trash can awaiting for the garbage truck to pick up their content, I saw a kite got stuck on a tree that has beautiful shades of green ...
SubhanAllah... I am truly amazed of the things that are going on around me.
And of course, each of these things runs its own episodes of life, right?

The trees, the birds, the squirrels, the breeze, the cool air, the kids, the mummies, the teenagers, the elderly couple, the people talking etc... all of them...
They all run their own lives- individually!
That very thought made me feel awed in amazement of how gazillion of things are happening all at the same time- in one second, in one wink, in one moment.
SubhanAllah! Indeed, that is the greatness of my Lord, Allah, the Al Mighty, the Creator of this world and all its content, the Lord of the Universe...
I remembered reading how Ibn Al-Qayyim described Allah's Greatness. He said,
He governs the affairs of the various kingdoms and He commands and forbids, creates, sustains, gives death, gives life, gives power, strips power (to and from whom He wills) and alternates the night and day. He gives varying fortunes to people and alternates governments (and states), destroying some and bringing some into existence. His Command and Power are dominant in the heavens and their zones, the earth and all that which is on and in it, in the seas and in the air. His Knowledge has encompassed everything and He counted everything. He hears all types of voices and they do not confuse Him. Rather, He hears each voice in its distinct language and need, and no voice will make Him busy from fulfilling the need of another, and no need will ever escape His Perfect Knowledge (and His Power to deliver). He does not become bored because of the many needs of those who need. His Sight encompasses all that which there is. He sees the movement of a black ant on a barren rock during a dark night. To Him, the Unseen is uncovered end the secret is secret no more, "Whosoever is in the heavens and on Earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring Forth (such as giving honor to some, disgrace to some, life to (some, death to some, etc.)." [55:29] He forgives an evil deed, makes depression vanish and brings reprieve from disasters, relief for whoever needs it, wealth for the poor, guidance for the misguided, light for the lost, help for he who is desperate, fullness for the hungry, cover for the barely clothed, cure for the ill and ease for he who suffers. He accepts he who repents, gives reward for he who does good, gives aid for he who was dealt with injustice, destroys an arrogant person, covers mistakes, gives safety after fear end elevates some people and humiliates others. If those who inhabit His heavens and His earth and all those whom He created, whether mankind or the Jinns, had hearts similar to the most pious heart, His Kingdom will not increase. If all His creation, whether mankind or the Jinns, had hearts similar to the heart of the most wicked heart, this will not decrease from His Kingdom. Also, if all those who inhabit His heavens and His earth, all mankind and all the Jinns, the dead and the living, stand up on one strip of land and each asks Him for his need, and He then fulfils their needs, this will not decrease from what He has a bit. He is the First, nothing is before Him, the Last, nothing is after Him, the Most High, nothing is above Him, and the Most Near, nothing is nearer than Him. He, Exalted and Ever High as He is, is the Best Whom one can and should remember, the only One Who deserves to be worshiped and thanked, the Kindest of all those who own and the Most generous of all those who are asked to give. He is the King Who has no partner, the One Who has no competitor, the Samad (Self-Sufficient) Who has no offspring, and the Ever High, none like unto Him. Everything perishes save His Face and every kingship is bound to perish except His. He will only be obeyed by His Leave, and His Knowledge uncovers all disobedience to Him. When He is obeyed, He thanks for it, and when He is disobeyed, He grants forgiveness (for those who truly repent to Him). Every punishment from Him is just and every bounty is a grace. He is the Closest Witness and the Nearest One with His Perfect Care. He controls the forelocks of everything and has the full records of all deeds end the books of all ages. The hearts are unmasked to Him and the secret is unveiled. His giving and punishing is merely a Command, "Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, ‘Be, and it is!’" [36:82].
So, in my effort to remind of myself of The Greatness of my Lord, I want to share with you one of my favourite pop singer- Sami Yusuf in his song entitled Hasbi Rabbi jallallah (My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah).
I hope you like the song as much as I do... ameen...
Hasbi Rabbi jallallah (My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah)by Sami Yusuf
Hasbi Rabbi by Sami Yusuf from album "My Ummah".
Hasbi Rabbi
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah dont deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
'Ala Nabi, sallallah
La ilaha illallah
[May the blessings and the peace of Allah be upon him (Muhammad)]
There is no deity but God.
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherba wo kaun hai
Who is the only One?
Who is the King?
Who is the Merciful?
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Who is the most praised and benevolent?
Whatever you see in this world is His sign
Hes the love of every soul
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
Affeder gunahi
Alemin padisahi
Yureklerin penahi
He is the Forgiver of all sins
He is the King of the universe
He is the Refuge of all hearts
Isit Allah derdimi, bu ahlarimi
Rahmeyle, bagisla gunahlarimi
Hayreyle hem aksam hem sabahlarimi
O Allah hear my sorrows and my sighs
Have mercy and pardon my sins
Bless my night and days
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
Ya rabbal alamin
Salli ala Tahal amin
Fi kulli waqtin wa hin
O Lord of the worlds
Send peace and blessings
On Ta-ha the trustworthy
In every time and at every instant
Imla qalbi bil yaqin
Thabbitni ala hadhad din
Waghfir li wal muslimin
Fill my heart with conviction
Make me steadfast on this Religion
And forgive me and all the believers
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
I absolutely love the lyrics of this song. It made me reflect, think, ponder and make lots of supplications to Him, my Lord, alhamdulillah.
Confucius once said,
“Words are the voice of the heart”
And this song, is really the voice of my heart. And I pray to Allah with humility that it will stay this way till the day I exhale my last breathe, ameen...
Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart except Allah
Sis Zabrina also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author and creator of National Bestseller Islamic Motivational Book Life Open Secret book series She maintains an active blog at and social networking platform a Web 2.0 at
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2009
Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret Islamic Motivational Book Series:
Life is an Open Secret- Think about It
Life is an Open Secret- You, Me and We
Life is an Open Secret- Ramadan Special
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Tags : motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Sis Zabrina, also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author of Islamic motivational book series Life is an Open Secret She maintains an active blog at
and her personal Social Networking Platform
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